May the 5th saw the third annual Melbourne
Alternate Designers (M.A.D) fashion showcase. This year the event had a
location change, taking place in the Melbourne Arts Centre. It is amazing to
see this event grow and be able to utilize such a famous and beautiful
building, and it was now more accessible with more parking and being so close
to the CBD and transport.
The runway took place in a separate, but connected, room
from the market, and had a unique layout. With a crescent pathway running
across the room, and the main stage running at a 90˚ angle, this allowed the
audience more chance to see the garments, the models to interact with the
audience, and a more traditional catwalk to still be present. The night ran
smoothly and on time, something M.A.D has set a standard for and continues to
The market this year appeared to have many more artists.
Ranging from those selling prints and pins, to others selling clothing and
accessories, this year once again showcased local artists and had something for
everyone. My only qualm with the market was, due to the floor’s layout, a
bottle neck was created and with so many attendees it was difficult to
manoeuvre. But this is something that happens due to the popularity and large
attendance, and being in a new space there are bound to be a few hiccups.